Tablet repair

We offer repair for all tablets including iPads, if you have any issues, come in and see us, we can provide any of the following:

Charging Point Repair – If you’re tablet is struggling to charge, or not charging at all, it can be difficult to use your tablet. We can fix your charging port for you so you can use your tablet to its full ability

Screen Replacement – If your screen is cracked or damaged, even slightly, it can cause issues with seeing all parts of your tablet screen. It’s best to get such problems fixed quickly because a crack can get worse if left untreated. Where possible, we can fix your screen, and if the damage is too much we can replace it for a competitive price

Soldering and Component Repair – Our staff have years of experience, so if there’s an issue with a component in your tablet, we can isolate the issue, and repair the problem wherever possible

Water Damage – If your tablet has been damaged by water and is either not working correctly, or not working at all, bring it into FoneBox and we can, in most cases, repair the device for you.

Software Installation – We can help with the installation of software for all tablet devices, including the installation of Windows and OSX

Data Recovery and Transfer – If you have data on an old or broken device that you are struggling to access, we can recover it for you and, if required, transfer it onto a new phone, tablet, or computer.

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